Get Out of Your Comfort Zone This Winter
It is for sure winter here in Columbus. OMG it is freaking COLD!! I am not a winter human at all…I so don’t understand people that are. You maybe one of those winter lovers. Tell me why you love it, help me understand. I LOVE the warm air, the sun beaming down on my skin, my toes in the green grass, you get it. I don’t even mind the crazy humidity of an Ohio summer. Bundling up in my massive head to toe winter coat to go out in this frigid weather is its own sport-I totally feel like the kid in the movie A Christmas Story!
With this said, I have challenged myself this winter…to get comfortable with the cold. In order to make that happen I have to get uncomfortable first. As a runner that lives in Ohio, I MUST train in the cold. Each winter season has felt colder and has become more of a challenge for me. During this off season I am pushing myself out into the cold for short miles. One, to acclimate to the winter climate before the next training season. Two, to experiment with layering-jackets, hats, gloves, base layers etc. Three, to push outside my comfort zone.
Number three being the most important. Getting outside of that cozy zone, where it is so easy to live. It’s kind of great in that zone, isn’t it? It is great but growth and true living doesn’t happen there. I have been hanging out in comfort for a minute or two recently. Now is my time to get uncomfortable once again. It doesn’t always have to be a big uncomfortable, it just needs to be outside of that zone. Think about it, what is your uncomfortable at this moment? Are you sitting in the comfort zone-waiting? Get up, let’s go…time get bold maybe even a little scared. Trust me it will be worth it.
Standing in my power,
My Mission for December
December is here. It feels like November just flew by…kind of feels like this year has flown by. Feeling that fast paced whirlwind around me, through me. Just needing it to slow a bit, to have a hot second to soak in and hold onto the moments that surround me-that are in my present.
I have let go of the rush, the crazy bustle to the start of this season…no need to race for the best deal, the biggest discount etc. This December is different for me. I am not running around creating, shipping, taking orders…6 years of that busy was wonderful and fulfilling. This year without it has given me a calm I needed.
Day to day I tend to focus so much on the next thing, the next day…slowing and finding the gift of the present has been my intention recently. I so wonder what I have missed in the last months by not focusing on what directly surrounds me. My mission for this month and the year ahead…looking ahead, yes but truly and intentionally focusing on the moment that surrounds me. Soaking it all in and being grateful for it.
Standing in my power,